
What is different about BespokeSITE?

The most important thing to tell your clients is that you care about them, but this can be accomplished in a large number or ways.

BespokeSITE feel it is very important to deliver a user friendly experience but not just in terms of them being able to use or read your websites content but to also deliver a BESPOKE outlook to your business.

That said, we would not advise you to use a free CMS such as Wordpress or Joomla mostly because this can be accomplished by anyone with or without the skills required to build a website, no matter how good the website may appear, they still know it was built using a FREE Content Management System. BespokeSITE build only custom websites using programming languages and will NEVER advise you to take shortcuts by using these free tools.

Having your own website means that you will need to advertise it. But how?

The key is Search Engines and Social Media, but this doesn't mean that your website is automatically going to be given to the audience which suits you or your business. You will need to use tools namely Search Engine Optimization in order to enhance your position on Search Engine results and for your Social Media you will need to be interacting with the correct audience.

How can we help with that?

BespokeSITE will always provide you with a website which is Mobile Friendly and more importantly Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Friendly. This may be a little hard to understand, but the simple way to look at it is that a computer/robot is not as clever as you at reading and viewing websites, mostly because it doesn't see what you see. Instead of seeing a website it sees a lot of "code" which needs to be read and understood in a way that the Search Engine knows what is important and what should or should not be ignored. If your website is not "coded" in a way that the Search Engine understands then it will simply skip each part which is not understood. This is why your website will not be put to the top of the Search Engine Results and can also be the reason why Social Media imports your website incorrectly.

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